Thursday, November 12, 2015

Copy of Performance Criteria

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CISHZ  Y10  Course Outline
Music Assessment Criteria and Assessment Dates
Music Unit – Solo Performance (4 months)

Assessment Task
Due Date

Criteria A

Program Notes
Individual Assignment

Write program Notes on a piece of music you have chosen to perform on a musical instrument.  
Describe the historical context (when and why this piece was written)
Describe the musical features
in terms of
  • Dynamics
  • Rhythm
  • Tonality
  • Structure
  • Melody
  • Texture
  • Harmony
Comment on your personal connection to this piece and what meaning it has to you.

Criteria - A

Knowing and Understanding

Early – October

3 October
Program Notes Due

Research Rehearse and Recreate a performance

(10 weeks)

Students need to rehearse and practice their piece of music and write comments on their progress. All feedback should be recorded in the feedback circle document.  There should be at least one entry for every week.

Criteria – B & D

Developing Skills
Responding to Music

Early – Mid Nov

Practice Rehearsal

Responding to Music.
Peer, Teacher and  
Self Assessment
(4 weeks)

Students will perform a selected passage of music from their chosen piece of music

Criteria - B

Developing Skills

Saturday 9 Nov

Continue with Rehearing
and preparing

Students will continue to
rehearse for their
final performance using teacher,
self and peer assessment

Criteria - B

Developing Skills

End of Nov

FINAL Performance
Saturday 28 Nov

Peer Evaluation and
Self Assessment

Students will develop and
explore ways of creative thinking
These ideas should be expressed
Through the process journal

Criteria - C

Thinking Creatively

Begin Dec

Hand in process Journals   Saturday 5 Dec

This assessment task will
be on-going throughout
the whole unit

Students are encouraged to
develop the following:
-A connection to an ATL
- evaluate and respond  to
their own and others
- commitment to practice
- transfer learning to new &
other areas

Responding - D


Begin Dec

End of the unit will be
Saturday 5 Dec

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