Tuesday, May 24, 2016

My Song of Change Feedback

The general feedback I received was that my performance could have improved a bit if I had recorded it beforehand or if perhaps another person played it, because of my nerves and inexperience with the piano, I messed up some of the chords, and I was unable to add much harmony. Additionally, someone said that a C minor chord I used sounded a bit misplaced, now I understand their point and would use a C major instead. However, they said I had a good melodic line. I think my melody was quite catchy and simple but understated, with the lyrics meaning a lot to me and conveying a strong and relatable message. Next time, I would have someone perhaps help me record it or thicken the accompaniment, as I think my inexperience with the piano hindered the texture of my song; however, I think I did quite a good job and my song is a well-textured, catchy piece.